With only brown rice and water, you can make this incredibly tasty Sprouted Rice Milk in your own kitchen. It’s easy, tasty, fragrant, raw–and best of all, it’s easier to digest!As I make most of my food from scratch, plant milk is one of these. I rotate drinking Sprouted Rice Milk with sprouted almond milk, sprouted soy milk, and other kinds.

Even though I love all of them, I have to admit that Sprouted Rice milk is my favorite milk to make. From day one of soaking the rice to reaching the time to blend it, it gives my kitchen a fragrance of rice that makes my mouth watery–really!

Make it plain, and add your own favorite sweetener then drink it or use it as you see fit. Ready to step in and make Sprouted Rice Milk? Let me show you how!
Ingredients and equipment:
- 1 cup (340 g) of brown rice of your choice. It can be short grain or long grain (I use long grain jasmine brown rice)
- A glass jar (I use a quart size or bigger mason jar)
- A sprouting screen and a band ( or a piece of cheese cloth with a rubber band)
- A container to catch the excess water
- 4 cups (940 ml) of filtered water.

Note: In the video I sprouted 2 cups (680 g) of rice and only used half for making the milk. I kept the other half to cook with later.
- Day 1: In a jar, add the amount of the rice you want to make and cover the jar with the screen. Rinse the rice thoroughly a few times, add filtered water and soak it overnight.
- Day 2: Dump the water and rinse well. Tilt the jar in a container, and cover it with kitchen towels to keep it dark. Let it sprout for 2 more days., and repeat the rinsing each day
- Day 3-4: Repeat the rinsing process.
- Day 5: You can see tiny sprouts on all of the rice–even the broken parts. Rinse well and let the excess water drain.
- In a blender, add the sprouted rice with 4 cups (940 ml) of filtered water and blend on high speed until smooth. Strain it through a cheesecloth and squeeze as much milk as you can. You can add your sweetener while blending or right before drinking it, or drink it plain. I like to use a small amount of Maple Syrup to sweeten mine. If you make more than you can finish at a time, store it in a glass container and keep it refrigerated. It stays fresh up to 3 days.

Have you made Sprouted Rice Milk before? Share it with me, I’d like to hear about it!
Hi Jeem!
I´d just like to know if all sorts of brown rice are as easily sprouting as yours in the video (because I didn´t make my rice move a millimeter up to now!).
Best wishes from Heinz
I buy regular bulk rice at a health food store and it is always easy to sprout, even when I buy some major brands at bigger stores. However, I have had an issue with some seeds not sprouting because they have apparently been treated in some way that sterilizes them. Perhaps a different variety or source will solve the issue. Good luck! and sorry for the slow reply.
I would like to know how much of the SPROUTED rice to add to the 4 cups of water please? Thanks!
I use one cup of dried rice to sprout. When they sprout, I use the whole thing to blend with 4 cups of water.
Hi Sister
After watching the second video of yours, the undoubted quality and quiet disposition of your personality so quickly came through.
Agreed wholeheartedly with your take on food and bringing up children for them to be exposed to many cultures. I wish to start a community project, god willing, whereby everything from parenting, education to interaction with people and environment would have to undergo wholesale changes to rid the world of ours from millennia of ongoing conflict, how uncivilised to live and pass down to future generations.
The young should be exposed to as many languages, dialects and cultures from the day they are born since all this would impress upon them effortlessly. Their outlook accordingly will be so entirely different from ours to the point that there won’t be conflict and their level of awareness will be exponentially heightened.
Takes a while to go through so many videos you have made but one thing for sure is my continuing enjoyment.
It is great to hear your perspective Samuel–we share many ideas about how to make the world better!