Looking for a great way to have kale on hand for your smoothie, soup, salad, or camping trips? This wonderful Kale Powder will give you all of these options.

Fresh kale from the garden
If you have kale in your garden from last fall, you are probably used to eating fresh kale every day during spring time. I know about this plant’s vigorous growth so well as I am a kale gardener too.
When the weather is still cold, I don’t have to worry about aphids on the kale. It’s so tender and the flavor is extraordinary (in my opinion). However, it can be overwhelming when you have too much of it at a time.
Instead of letting it go to your compost bins, try preserving it for later. It’s so easy and cheap, but the result is invaluable!

Turn this kale into powder
Kale Powder is great to have on hand for days that you are too busy to cook but but still want to eat good food. It’s also convenient when you travel to places that are not easy to find healthy foods that have vegetables.
Having Kale Powder with you, you can simply add it to whatever you have that day, and voila–you don’t have to worry about not getting leafy green on those days.!
If you don’t have kale in your garden, don’t worry. Kale is pretty affordable and you can find it pretty much anywhere throughout the year.
If you like kale, I’m sure you know how good it is. Let’s jump right into turning it into Kale Powder.
Ingredients & Equipment:
- A few bunches of kale. You can get any kind of kale, but I use Italian or Dinosaur kale.
- A dehydrator and a coffee grinder
Note: If you don’t have a dehydrator, try drying it in the sun but make sure to cover it with something so that bugs can’t get to it. I have done it before, and it worked. I also tried drying it in an oven with the lowest temperature, but it’s still too high to be raw. It takes a long time, and it’s just not as convenient when I use the oven.
- Wash the kale thoroughly and let it sit in a strainer to get rid of the excess water.
- Remove the stems and cut it into 1-2 inch pieces.
- Spread the pieces on dehydrator trays and dehydrate them until they are dry. It takes anywhere from 8 -10 hours, so doing it overnight is ideal.
- When it’s completely dry, grind it in a coffee grinder, store it in a glass container, and keep it in a pantry.
Have you made Kale Powder before? Share it with me, I’d like to hear about it!
Hi . Does the curly kale turn yellowish…it seems like black kale dries and stays quite attractively green….do you think steaming or blanching them before drying is worth it? That’s how matcha is done…and it retains great colour and flavour.
Just wondering….
Do many of your leavea turn out abit yellow greenish?
I am thinking of growing kale in a big field and sell the powder to a few retreat centers as high quality stuff
How does the powder taste like? Preserves its kale-ness? Haha
Hello, you can certainly steam or blanch it and that is a good idea for color. However, I wanted to keep it raw and not heat process it beyond what is necessary for drying. The leaves are usually very solid green when I grind them. It tastes very much like kale:)