There is no doubt that kale is a superfood. It’s loaded with top health benefits we want to put into our bodies. There are so many ways to eat kale, but if you want to keep it simple so you can eat it as often as you want (even everyday), Easy Kale is what you need. Let me show you how!
I’m obsessed with this Easy Kale. In fact, my whole family is. We can eat a bowl of it everyday–if we don’t feel bad for eating too much. That’s right, I should do some research to see side effects of eating too much kale.
As I always have fresh kale in my garden, I have tried to eat it in so many different ways, but I realized there is no need to make healthy food complicated. The most important thing is to get nutrition from eating it into our bodies, right? So, this Easy Kale method is pretty much the only way we eat kale nowadays. We can get what we need with a little bit of help from other simple ingredients (that most of the time we already have them in the kitchen).
I can’t call this “a recipe,” as I don’t need to measure anything. It comes naturally by feel. The only thing that might be a bit time consuming is the preparation for the kale. It takes some planning, but once you have it–it becomes a life saver that is hard to live without!
Here is what you need for Easy Kale:
- A few bunches of organic (preferably) kale. I usually get enough to eat it through the week.
- Fried garlic. You can fry it right before you cook the Kale, and you can also prepare it ahead of time like I do mine.
- Some good oil. I use unrefined coconut oil.
- Some good salt. I use himalayan salt.
- Lime or lemon juice.
simple ingredients
How:Watch the video
To prepare the kale:
- Rinse and drain the Kale well.
- Remove the stems and cut into bite size pieces, put them in a plastic bag (please reuse the bag)
- Put in some paper towels to absorb any excess water, so the kale can stay dry.
- Squeeze the bag to get rid of the air and keep it in the fridge.
rinse and let it dry
remove stems and cut to bite size pieces
keep it in a bag in the fridge for your convenient use
To cook the Easy Kale:
- In a frying pan on medium heat, heat some coconut oil.
- Add (premade) fried garlic or you can fry it now.
- Throw in a handful or two of the prepared Kale, give it a quick suate with the garlic and oil.
- When the kale looks wilted, add a pinch of salt, saute it to make sure it covers all the kale.
- Turn the heat off and squeeze some lemon juice in, give it another quick saute.
- Serve it as a side dish for Pad Thai, or eat it just like this. Isn’t Easy Kale SO easy?
- Enjoy. Note: If you turn the heat down to the lowest and keep a thin layer of kale in the pan, your kale will turn to kale chips without an oven!
Have you tried eating Easy Kale this way? Please share it with me, I’d like to hear about it!